Thursday, April 5, 2018

the Full Mount: Dominate your life

The full mount, it's a dominant position. Needless to say that you'd rather be the mounter as opposed to the Mountie. If you happen to be the Mountie there's a pretty good chance you well on your way towards being dominated..... Moving right along, to the current topic of discussion,the weekly evaluation of your life using Brazilian Jujitsu terms. Are you in the full mount, are you in guard. Have you managed to get in half guard. Have you turned the tables and got life's back? For those who don't train, we'll stick with full mount, guard and being mounted. Guard is a push. You can hold ground and defend. Your still on the defensive but the opportunity arises and you can reverse your fortunes. Being mounted sucks. Your really close to getting you skull crushed. When your in the top position in mount your virtually in control, but don't get to reckless you can end up snatching defeat from the jaws of streaking victory. A simple glance at a week in the life of  you will reveal how good a job you've done in your world beating. Now this exercise is between you and your world. If you feel like your world's kinda kicking your ass then adjustments need to be made stat. Now when your in this situation quick action is crucial. What we need to have you do is find a way to better your position from your current position. You may not be able to instantly win the fight from this next step but we need to create a better opportunity. If your in guard or The coveted mount position then the next step is trying to finish this fight, and move on to the next. Preserve the position and conquer the opponent. Simple principles. Assess, adjust and advance. Make it a happen to take the time to really assess your position with and objective eye and respond accordingly.  

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