whenever you have a suit that doesn't fit quite the way you would desire, you have a couple of options. Option A) get rid of the damn thing. The extreme a little bit extreme. Option B) is to never wear it. At least should the occasion arise and you should need to break that sucker out, it won't hold it against you. It doesn't like how you look in it, so I guess you guys are even. There's a moment to be lived, make nice and do your best. The third and in my opinion best option C) to get the suit tailored. Now, you may have guessed the suit is not a suit at all. Well not really. The suit is your life. Now a big part of your life is the vehicle that your concesness travels around in. But to get that to fit you the way you desire your going to need to cut some things and sew a couple of things up. Sometimes a slight adjustment here and there can make a huge change in the efficiency of your daily oppoeration. Now with that added efficiency you can utilize your freed up time to really begin to direct the flow of your life. Now its your responsibility to see where you can gain that efficiency. It might be going to sleep earlier, so you can get up earlier. Could mean cooking all of your meals on the weekend. Maybe studying on you break or listening to books on tape as you drive. The most important thing is to decide how you want your life to look or feel and decide to act with urgency. Waste not a moment longer wearing that out of style suit. Know that for the most part, someone has achieved most lifestyles that many of us desire. It can all be done. Reverse engineer it. If you want to be some visionary, by all means go out there and show em how to do it. Change the world or just change your world. Never settle, always maxout.
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